Magnolia Ice Cream is Back

Monday, May 09, 2011 dfg 0 Comments

Just when the heat of the summer stated to intensify, rain suddenly starts pouring down. Well just in case the sun comes up again and the first sign of sweat breaks, head over to your local supermarket or grocery and grab a Magnolia ice cream. After a long time in the shadows, Magnolia is back with new exciting ice cream that will surely drown the summer heat. At least for a few minutes anyway.

Check out Magnolia's Hey Mama Photo contest too.


An ice cream cone with chocolate ripple topped with nuts. It comes in chocolate and vanilla flavor. The 110ml cone costs P20.

I tried the vanilla flavored Spinner and it was quite good. The vanilla ice cream was think and creamy. It didn't melt too fast. I just hate that sticky feeling when the ice cream starts to drip around your finger especially when you eat it outside where there is nowhere to wash your hands.

Pinipig Crunch

This pinipig (rice crispies) coated ice cream has been a Filipino favorite ever since it was first made. Magnolia has come up with 2 flavors everyone will crave. The vanilla crisp, a Magnolia classic made from a rich vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate coating infused with rice crispies. And the sweetcorn, a new sweetcorn ice cream with milk flavored coating mixed with rice crispies. The Pinipig Crunch costs P13 and weighs 65ml.

Trying the vanilla Pinipig Crunch again brought me back to my childhood years. I think I got a flashback from my past when I took the first bite. Then again, it might have been the inner child in me that was celebrating. Regardless, it felt good.


Quench your thirst with the Magnolia frozen delights they call "Popsies." These ice lollies comes in chocolate and orange flavors at P10 a piece.

This is my most coveted ice cream yet. Truth is I'm not a fan of the creamy goodness of traditional ice cream that much. If I want something refreshing, this is what I usually eat. I can't help comparing Magnolia's Popsies with Nestle's Twin Popsies. Both were very refreshing and fruity. However I think Magnolia has that more real tangy taste than Nestle's. Unfortunately, my preference seems to lean towards the more artificial taste of Nestle Twin Popsies. Plus it's more fun to try and break the Twin Popsies in 2 and share it with another person you love