FREE Fun Runs for everybody

Saturday, October 16, 2010 dfg 0 Comments

Don't like the idea of paying just so you can participate in a Fun Run? Then why don't you join Bald Runner’s Events Management and the Armed Forces of the Philippines as they offer FREE Fun Runs for everybody! There will be no fancy schmancy race singlets, bibs or race results but there will be a digital clock or chronograph watch at the start and end of the finish line, a couple of water stations and kilometer markings. All those who finished will even receive a Finisher’s Certificate for FREE! The first run is slated on October 17, 2010, 6AM at Camp Aguinaldo while the second run is scheduled on October 24, 2010, 6AM at the Philippine Army Grandstand. The first run will be 8 Kilometers long while the second run will be an easy 3.2 Kilometer. The runs will start at exactly 6AM so be there 30 minutes before. For more information and succeeding schedules of FREE Fun Runs, follow
Jovenal “Jovie” Narcise of Bald Runner