Tiger Art Contest
To welcome the year of the Tiger, the Philippine STAR and Swatch launches its annual Tiger Art contest that has a top prize of P100,000. The contest is open to all forms of art — painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, drawing, arts and crafts — anything goes! Roar! Check out the winners of last year's contest
Contest Mechanics:
- Theme: “Tiger Art”
- Open to all mediums of art - painting, photography, sculpture, graphic design, arts and crafts, including but not limited to paper mache, pottery, paper tole, etc.
- Entry forms are available daily in The Philippine STAR during the duration of the promo
- All entries must be accompanied with a completed entry form, contest guidelines acceptance form (available at any Swatch Store or Kiosk). Gift Gate, Inc. must receive all entries by of February 17, 2010 8PM.
- Entries may be brought personally to any Swatch store or kiosk and will be received by the store OIC for proper documentation and storage. These entries will be sent to the Home Office (17 New York Street, Cubao, 1109, Quezon City) everyday for safekeeping.
- Judging Criteria
- 25% Originality
- 50% Creativity
- 25% Composition
- View complete contest mechanics
Contest Prize:
- 1st prize – P100,000 and the Swatch Special “The Blessing Sign”
- 2nd prize – P50,000 and the Swatch Special “The Blessing Sign”
- 3rd prize – P30,000 and the Swatch Special “The Blessing Sign”
- 4th prize – P20,000 and the Swatch Special “The Blessing Sign”
- 10 honorable mentions – Swatch “The Blessing Sign”
- FREE to do
- BIG Cash prizes
- Open to all mediums
- 20% tax for all prizes exceeding P10,000 shall be paid by the winner