Somebody Loves Boy Kuripot
Yes! Somebody loves Boy Kuripot! In my post last week "Do you Love me?" I told you guys how you can show me. To tell you the truth, I'm not earning a lot from this blog as I thought I would. But seeing the growing number of readers/subscribers that showed interest in this blog kept me focused. A couple of days ago I opened an email from one of my readers with the subject line "Do you Love me? / yes i do"
I really do not know how I stumbled on the website I was web-surfing, like everyday, and then I saw this article on the web entitled “the couple who won everything”. Curiosity does not always eats the cat; it begets fun and prices.
Boy kuripot blogspot is a blog site I stumbled in the web and boy was I very happy with this stumble rather than this Katrina Halili and Dr. Hayden Kho scandal, poor people. Now the congress is doing an investigation about it? Am I correct about this? That just proves poor tastes on the part of government officials with specifics to certain senator/s instead of debating on societal issues they are pursuing issues on notoriety which is completely irrelevant to the business of the state. I got sidetracked there. Phew the web can mean a lot to anybody.
Every contest posted by “boy kuripot” that I can join within my physical reach and ability as I am a heart patient diagnosed now with cardiomyopathy (my life story is another story) I am there except those with specifics to age and physical requirements.
You see, my activities are confined within the comforts of my room and everything within my reach. Dah, I got a dying heart. That sounds lyrical but my physiology dictates specifics. You can check out what cardiomyopathy as heart disease is nothing new to me as I was diagnosed with valvular heart disease since age 24 and underwent the knife for open-heart surgery for valvular removal and replacement with prosthetic valve mine is branded bjork-shiley mechanical valve. My so called life is a medical odyssey . Yap I underwent the process of “why God, why me, why this fate?” I am over it now and come to terms with my fate and life.
My illness will not take away from me sunny attitude or fun outlook in life. I always look at the sunrise and knows that sunset will happen but while waiting I will not let the sun go down on me. I will ride the rainbows and splash its colors. “Boy-kuripot” just did that to me. I am always checking my mailbox for boy-kuripot notices as I check how the market is doing. Many, many thanks boy-kuripot; you have no face, no physical identity more than the contest and the prices it generates you have given some energy push or some kind of inertia, simply fun, to my existence. And through you I got a free book from Powerbooks bookstore from their “inspired writing contest”. The free book from powerbooks is “Shopaholic & Baby” by Sophie Kinsella. It was my first venture in ‘boy-kuripot” alarms. I wouldn’t know about the powerbooks contest if not through you.
Boy kuripot is free and fun. Everyone wins here. Boy kuripot gives good notices one that helps people like me, all pinoys. Why would I subscribe and waste my time reading about Katrina and Dr. Hayden issues? I would rather spend my time joining contest which boy-kuripot tells me. You have no face. I only know you as boy kuripot via your site I do not know why you do what you do but you inspire many by telling what contest or promotions we can avail or join and you do not get a penny from us, at all. I am truly grateful to you, profoundly. You are astonishing for you created a site and keeps us inform about contest we can join with no strings attached. You do not get even a centavo from me. I want to send you a book or bouquet of roses but I do not know where and to whom. So I am sending this via the websites I joined. Now, I can only ask God that May Angels watch over you all the time and keep you safe and free from any harm. Many, many thank you Boy-Kuripot. And by the way, I do love you.
Thank you for the email Julie. Never did it cross my mind that my blog could make such a big difference in somebody's life. Just knowing that it made a difference in yours makes me feel that I'm actually doing something worthwhile. By the way, I didn't reply to your email because I wanted to surprise you. Hope I made your day again!
Another reader emailed me this:
I shared my love and registered at EYP. I hope you win the MAC pro. So far I have won a number of prizes because of your ads like the one from PEP for their Mother's day promo and another one from Powerbooks facebook fan page. More power to your advocacy and I'm pretty sure you deserve this prize.
Noria P. Adam
Thanks a lot for the vote Noria. It means a lot!
And here are some blogs that spread the good word on me. Many thanks to you guys! (Do let me know if I left you out so I can add you here)
Hi BoyKuripot! I was just about to send you an email, but I checked out your blog first and found out that many readers has given you their "love".
Anyway, I was going to tell you how much I appreciate this whole blogging stuff that you do. *smiles and a big hug* - Thanks, same with them you always make my day even though I haven't experienced winning big prizes (yet..hehe).
Yesterday while having lunch my dad handed me an LBC package and it was a big surprise that I got a pack of Drypers! Hehe. Well, I didn't expect to win or get anything from joining contests and promos that you post since wala talaga akong swerte pag dating sa mga ganitong bagay (was even close to winning 100 thousand pesos in a block-out game in Bingo a couple of times pero wala talaga akong swerte hehe). Then I thought of saying thank you, kahit sa maliit na drypers lang naexperience ko ang pakiramdam ng nananalo sa contests or napipili sa mga raffles dahil sa matyaga mong pag post ng blogs mo.
And I learned that there is no such thing as "luck" - tyagaan lang talaga at makukuha mo din. =)Salamat BoyKuripot.
I love the person behind this blog! :) keep it up bro.. :D
I'm a marketing professional, i regularly check your blogs cause it gives me a window on what's happening with our friendly competitors as well as other industries. I always believe that checking out best practices of other industries is the best marketing teacher one can ever have... btw so far I won a donut and coffee from krispy cream and it was perfect :-)
Thanks for sharing guys. Really appreciate it! :>
(Waaahhh! My original comment wasn't posted successfully. I'll try to recall what I previously wrote.)
My friend and I had a discussion why in most events like movie premieres (which have free tickets and/or freebies) the attendees are usually the "rich" pips. Don't get me wrong... I have nothing against wealthy people. It's just that it's like seeing Oprah being handed a free shampoo sample. I want to get the same information that they are getting.
I did a search on privilege cards and I don't know if you noticed it too but most privilege cards are just discount cards with "so-called freebies" (it's not "free" if you still need to spend money just to get it). What the heck happened to the GENTXT card? I got a lot of freebies from that (yes, they were really free).
I was about to give up all hope when I stumbled upon Boy Kupirot's blog. Hoorah! (*Tumbling tumbling paglanding sabay spilt*) It had all the information I needed. All that's missing now is a bf to drag around to all the free events.
Thank you so much and keep up the fantastic work!
here's one of the contest i've found:
hey...i really really hope you win. ive just signed up for you....eversince i found your blog, i won about 6-7 times. mostly premium items....but i really had so much fun. ive also written about you on my blo...well i just created it last april....but 1 post is a shout out to your cool site.
thanks for the vote and the post Tet!
Oh my! Julie's email surely made me teary eyed..
just now a realization came to me.. im already boy-kuripot blog addict.. i actually visit ur site everyday and every hour..thanks to u, i won my very first prize from sending jokes to mapanghingi ka ba blog..u make a stranger happy without u knowing it..God will surely bless u..
keep it up! ^^, d0na
Congrats Dona! So you're a self confessed Boy-Kuripot addict eh? That's good to know. We should create an AA meeting for Boy-Kuripot addicts in the future hehe
Here is to winning more prizes in the future!
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