2016 J-pop Anime Singing Contest
Calling all aspiring solo singers! Join the 2016 J-pop Anime Singing Contest and let your golden voices heard. This event will coincide with the 60th Year of Philippines-Japan Friendship. In cooperation with various organizations, the Embassy of Japan and The Japan Foundation, Manila launched the competition for Filipinos to appreciate Japanese language and culture and to further solidify our friendship with them and their country. Completely fill out the application form which can be downloaded online. Then, submit it, along with a demo CD of your rendition of J-pop songs and other required documents, to Japan Information and Culture Center. Make sure the music is original and your voice is not edited or digitally enhanced. The Grand Prize winner will get to enjoy an all-expense-paid trip to Japan and other prizes from participating sponsors.
Contest Requirements:
- Open to all Filipino amateur solo singers, at least 18 years old as of July 23, 2016
- Log on to ph.emb-japan.go.jp and download the application form
- Entry Guidelines
- Filled-up application form
- Current photo
- A short write-up about you in 50-100 words
- Short Description of the songs (Artist, Title, Lyrics)
- A demo CD of your two (2) songs. It must contain the MP3 audio files of your rendition of J-pop songs
- J-pop songs must be in Japanese and by a Japanese artist
- A print-out of the song lyrics with the name of the original performing artist/s
- You may perform with either a musical instrument or with minus-one accompaniment
- Only original music will be allowed
- Your voice should not be edited or digitally enhanced
- Submit your entries personally or through mail to:
- Entries will not be returned
- View complete contest mechanics
- Japan Information and Culture Center
- 2627 Roxas Blvd., Pasay City
- Grand Finals - July 23, 2016
- All-expense-paid trip to Japan
- Win a trip!
- No online submission