Fres Everyday Gadget Giveaway
Get your hands on a brand new spanking phone or tablet in Fres Everyday Gadget Giveaway promo. All you have to do is collect five (5) pieces of Fres Mint Candy wrappers with different messages written at the back. On a piece of paper, write your complete contact details and enclose it, along with the wrappers, inside a white legal-sized envelope. Don't forget to write "FRES EVERYDAY GADGET GIVEAWAY!" at the back portion. Lastly, drop it in participating drop box locations nationwide. There will be a total of forty-two (42) raffle draws in the entire promo period. Eight (8) brand new Smartphones and two (2) Tablets await the very lucky daily winners. So what are you waiting for? Submit as many entries as you can for more chances of winning.
Promo Requirements:
- Purchase of five (5) pieces Fres Mint Candy with
- Collect five (5) pieces of Fres Mint Candy wrappers with different messages written at the back
- Write your contact details on a piece of paper
- Name
- Age
- Address
- Contact Number
- Signature
- Place your entry and empty wrappers in a white legal-sized envelope. At the back portion, write "FRES EVERYDAY GADGET GIVEAWAY!"
- Drop your entry in drop boxes located in any participating drop box locations nationwide
- There will be a total of forty-two (42) raffle draws
- Prizes will be delivered to the home address specified in the entries submitted
- All draws will be done in the presence of a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) representative
- Winners will be notified through on-air announcements through the respective partner radio stations, posting on the Fres PH Facebook page, registered mail, and via phone call
- View complete promo mechanics
- Daily Raffle Draws - February 1 - March 30, 2016
- Daily Raffle Draw
- Eight (8) winners of Smartphone EACH
- Two (2) winners of Tablet EACH
- Fres candy doesn't cost too much
- A total of 42 raffle draws!
- Prizes will be delivered to the winners
- All draws will be done in the presence of a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) representative
- Mechanics not clear