Did Globe Cheat Me?

Friday, July 18, 2008 dfg 0 Comments

Last few days ago, I tried to join Globe's Per Second Panalo when I discovered that they had a website that showed in real time who won Gcash for the minute. My strategy was to only text whenever the prizes would be 50 or 100 pesos (I was only aiming for the cash prize of the minute). However, I was very disappointed to see there was "No winner" for the minutes I texted Globe. Did Globe Cheat Me? You be the judge!

Image from bidshot.com

As you can see the picture above (click here to enlarge or check the site), I have encircled the minutes where I should have been the winner (or somebody at least should have been a winner)! The promo mechanics states that whoever will be the 1st texter of the minute will win the Gcash for the minute.

On July 13, 2008, I made a 3 text entries: 10:13pm, 10:12pm, and 10:10pm. However, I received the confirmation texts on 10:10pm, 10:17pm and 10:17pm. I texted on those minutes and not only did I not win but nobody won! Maybe Bidshot had a glitch in the system, maybe Globe is just lag, but whatever the reason is, they aren't doing what they are promising now aren't they? There is actually more to this story but this is the juicy part!

""No Winner" indicates that there is no one who won for the minute. No subscriber downloaded the featured picture message of the minute." - But I did!