GoSakto Make your own Promo

Friday, February 15, 2013 jeffrey 0 Comments

Prepare to have full control on the promos you want to subscribe in with Globe's new GoSakto promo. With GoSakto, you are no longer limited to Globe's call, text and internet promos because it lets you create a promo of your own however you want it. I usually register for Combo 20 for unlimited texts and 50 minutes worth of calls for 1 day. However, I don't usually use up all those minutes. I tried checking for 20 minutes of globe to globe and unlimited texts for one day and it asked for P19. I would only save P1. If I make it 10 minutes instead of 20, I only need to pay P16. The great thing about GoSakto is that you can access it by simply dialing *143# any mobile phone plus you can save the promos you create for later use. You also don't need a maintaining balance while subscribed to GoSakto. The only downside I see about this is that you need to enter first what you need before it shows you what it cost. Not the other way around. Care to share what promos you already created that is better than the current promo offering? Share it on the comments below so everyone can benefit from it.