Create your Nescafe Youmeoke

Monday, January 09, 2012 jeffrey 0 Comments

Nescafe is once again brewing something interesting. Nope, it's not coffee this time but a fun Facebook app like no other called Youmeoke. Pronounced “yoo-mi-oh-ki,’ it is a novel and refreshing spin to photo sharing in Facebook - one that allows users to create a slideshow of their Facebook photos videoke style. Whats that? Imagine your photos in fluid transitions, animated against a musical track of your choice, with lyrics sprawled on the screen for you to sing along. How's that for reinventing Karaoke? Try it out for fun and entertain your friends and buddies. It only takes a couple of minutes to create. What's more, you can earn Nescafe Points for creating a Youmeoke slideshow that gives you a chance to win awesome prizes!