m.Globe FREE Internet Access

Wednesday, September 07, 2011 jeffrey 0 Comments

Globe subscribers can now have FREE internet access to Globe services, Google searches, music downloads, email, and online feeds to Twitter and Facebook. Featuring m.Globe, a new mobile portal and your one-time connection to easy mobile surfing in every phone. Prepaid and postpaid subscribers, can just text M.GLOBE to 2910 to get wired up on Globe connect (APN: www.globe.com.ph). The service can be accessed on any internet-capable phone (i.e. GPRS, EDGE, 3G, 4G). However, connecting may take some time because it is accessing Globe's slow and congested WAP site. For Android smartphone users, you can download the Android app/widget show below. On a different note, before this was launched, the three biggest service providers has already introduced FREE Facebook mobile access. Sun has Facebook Zero while Smart and Globe has released a Java based app for symbian phones. But then again, only m.Globe can give you content-rich mobile surfing, researching, downloading and updating for FREE!