Starbucks Treat?

Wednesday, October 27, 2010 dfg 0 Comments

Here's another misleading promotion. Starbucks recently posted an offer to fans for reaching 400,000 likes. It writes that Starbucks will be "treating you all to a Crème Brulee Macchiato (hot or iced) and we'll treat you to a second Crème Brulee Macchiato" First impression - Awesome! However upon further investigation, it seems that you need to buy the first Crème Brulee Macchiato to get the second one. From where I come from, the word "treating" is synonymous with FREE right? Anyway, if you still want to avail of this promo, you just need to say "I am a Starbucks Philippines Facebook Fan" to the barista from October 26 - 28, 2010. Crème Brulee Frappuccino Blended Coffee is not included in this offer and it also failed to indicate if you can get the same size for the extra drink.